VOTERSHIP ACT IN PARLIAMENT Representation from Economic Freedom Movement on Political Reforms.

ALL VOTERS. Representation seeking the cooperation with the CMF and MEF on the proposal of Voter ship rights as defined hereinafter, presented in the parliament of India by 137 MPs on 2nd December 2011.

 As you are well aware of the GATT treaty (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT) of 15th April 1994 was done by the World traders from all over the world by the political pressure on their respective Government. As the output of the said treaty, the World Trade Organization (WTO) came into existence in 1995. During that time the apprehensions were raised in Uruguay negotiations that, by the proposal of Mr. Arthur Dankel, the then General Secretary of GATT, the indiscriminate International competition will be compounded of the mechanization and the condition of unemployment in the countries like India, will become worse. But, the people who had raised such doubts that time were forced to keep quite by assuring that once the market of countries will be opened, a separate treaty will be made for the problems like unemployment. Those future problems caused by the proposed treaty, were called “Social Issues”.

 Nobody bothers, when the purpose is served. On these lines the initiative of assured treaty was never taken and the matter was kept in cold storage.

            Now it is 20 years have been passed, and neither a treaty is made on the “Social issues”, nor any appeal is being made on this issue. In the name of Consumer Rights and Economic Liberalization caused by the GATT Treaty, the economic borders of the countries, the traditional concept of the nation, nationality, nation-state, sovereignty, citizenship, separation of power, and democracy, etc. the fundamental concepts of political science were turned irrelevant. This Treaty has internationalized the problems of poverty, unemployment, economic inequality, inflation, corruption, hoarding, terrorism internationalized. Now without collective efforts of the countries, the above said problems cannot be resolved. 

The Mumbai born contemporary thinker Sri Bharat Gandhi has drawn the attention towards the Global Agreement on Poverty and Peace (GAPP) by drafting International Treaty known as GAPP. He has written more than 60 books on policy and strategy of the solution of above said international level problems. Sri Gandhi has initiated the dialogue with the Presidents, Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers of 198 countries of the world to convince them to accept the draft of above said GAPPTreaty. Even after internationalizing the problems, people are ignorantly insisting the government of countries and its territories to solve international problems at local level.
The majority of the society is unaware of these circumstances. Hence, there is no other way before the democratic Government to keep silence on these issues. Even after the change of Governments and political parties in the states and centre, the problems like poverty, unemployment, economic inequality are not solved. Fundamental concepts of political science are being irrelevant; there is a need of Political renaissance in the Country. In the big country like India this work is not possible without political reforms. For the amendments to these concepts not only one or two, there is a need to know the opinion and input of the general public on hundreds of issues continuously.
 Hence, the CMF are trying to make a countrywide network. Under the above said program some trained volunteers might be working door to door or may be seen in coming days working in your area bearing the identity card of the CMF. The CMFvolunteers are giving introduction of the proposal of inclusive growth through the tool known as Voter ship, which was submitted in parliament by the 137 Members of Parliament (see the attached form and voter ship proposal of 320 pages & to general public.

  Although the CMF know that the general public is not much aware about regular economic contribution for their long-term needs. In spite of this, the Information department of the CMF can play important role to draw the attention of general public about the benefit of Right of Voter ship and benefit of regular economic contribution to attain the long-term objectives like law for right of voter ship.

 The Work of CMF is beneficial to the Government of States and of the centre to know the input regarding the opinion of General public on the above said proposal of law for the right of Voter ship. These inputs may inspire the governments either to take this work in their hands or to fund the expenses of CMF work.

The Central Government has been avoiding taking responsibility of imposing additional taxes on the billionaires to grant the right of Voter ship to Voters. The CMFare the organization working for the awareness amongst the general public in connection to the benefits of law for Right of Voter ship.

 The objectives and reasons behind the Survey being conducted on Voter ship by the Volunteers of CMF, The challenge that how different states, district, regions, communities and Citizens of India may get proper participation in the Gross Domestic Product i.e. development, has been remaining before the centre and state government and administration since long time. To meet out this challenge 137 Members of Parliament had submitted a proposal of participation in 14th Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

              This innovative proposal is called as “Right to Voter ship”. After five years of examination of above said proposal of voter ship, this proposal has been accepted by an expert committee of the Rajya Sabha on 2nd December 2011. But, even after the acceptance of the proposal, the same is still not translated into law. In this severe situation for the PL community who are suffocating from the suffocation of poverty and unemployment, cannot survive without above said proposed law for the Right of Voter ship. This situation is worse, because of (General Agreement on Trade and Tariff – GATT). Due to this treaty the blind race of mechanization has become indispensable due to International competition. Consequently the work of the literate people is being occupied by the computers and the works of less literate people are occupied by machines like tractor, bulldozers and JCBs. Even after the approval from the Parliamentary secretariat of Rajya Sabha, the “Voter ship law” is not being made to distribute the gross domestic product produced by the labor of machines amongst the voters and other ground level units of the state.

Although by the inspiration of alternative concept of development presented by Sri Bharat Gandhi in the Parliament, the Central Government has taken many initiatives, like delivering scheme of MNREGA in 2005, Scheme of Aadhar in the year 2007, Scheme of direct Cash Transfer of subsidy in the year 2010, Jan-dhan Plan in the year 2015,and plan of Basic Income to deliver Rs.1500/- per month in the Bank accounts of general public in 2016.Now the above said scheme of Basic Income has attained space in Economic Survey of India- 2017. It is noticeable that, the law is already made in many countries of the world, referendum is also done and the public movements to make law are going on in some countries on the above proposal of Sri Bharat Gandhi.

The CMF and MEF is conducting awareness and signature campaign report work among the general public to present the result before the union government and before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. The CMF and MEF have decided to submit the above said report to communicate the percentage of Indian Population who wishes the participation in growth through Voter ship Rights.


If you support the forum kindly sign on the below link of voter ship petition.




Jaya Prakash,President,
17-1-391/S/546/ Singareni Colony, Saidabad,
Hyderabad, Telangana State – 500059.


  1. The Mission of NEW INDIA PARTY.
    @OUR COUNTRY +OUR WEALTH +OUR RIGHT…/representation-from-jpbharat-…

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  2. India Need Economic Freedom.


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